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  • Joana Simões

    The treasury of wealth perished while they are alive, and the scholars remain as long as time remains.

    Ali Ibn Abi Talib AS

    Current affiliation:


    PhD student of Sustainability Sciences Thesis on consumer food waste

    Considering the conceptual map connecting drivers and barriers with interventions, what specific measures can food industry professionals adopt at each stage of the supply chain to contribute to a more sustainable food system, and how can these measures be effectively communicated to consumers?

    In designing campaigns to promote responsible food consumption, what specific messaging strategies can be employed to tap into the motivations identified in the research as having the highest potential for promoting behavior changes related to food waste?

    How can regulatory frameworks be adjusted to incentivize businesses to implement effective interventions that align with the identified drivers and minimize barriers to reducing consumer food waste?

    How to influence consumer food waste behavior with interventions? A systematic literature review

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